Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Full Of Surprises

A drunk man attempting to teach me how to dance, mosqitos taking over the planet, and people flying through a rainforest sums up my weekend. Feel free to use your imagination.

Okay… or I guess I could explain.

During the weekends, the volunteers are given the opportunity to travel out of San Pedro and explore the rest of the lovely country of Costa Rica. The night prior to departure, I met up with some random strangers (kidding… they were friends) at a place called Feng Sheng. While there, a drunk man named Frank felt it necessary to introduce himself to us. He kept hounding us to get up and dance salsa, which we eventually agreed on. It was not, however the fun experience you would imagine. My partner, Wesley, and I, were continuously yelled at by the man for not dancing salsa “correctly.” His directions were to follow his lead, even though he was barely picking up his feet. I guess the lesson learned is to not dance near a drunk man, especially one named Frank.

On Friday, madness occurred. I woke up extra early to volunteer in the morning at the orphanage. My wounds are healing but they have proven to be quite impressive with the amount of people asking what happened. The orphanage was more relaxed, as some of the kids were in school at the time. I spent the hours keeping them entertained with drawing and coloring, as well as just giving them the attention that they crave. It is hard to deal with seeing them in such a beautiful house because they all lack the parental presence that is so crucial in development. I hope that the volunteers are helping at least a little in building their confidence.

Afterwards, I was off to Manuel Antonio for the weekend, which is famous for a world park and lovely beaches

(View of the beautiful beach.)

The bus trip, which was 4 hours long, was only approximately 7 US dollars. I love the travel costs here. A typical city bus is typically $.50. At dinner, my friends and I figured out our life plans, which include making a movie surrounding around the idea of mosquitoes taking over the planet. (lets say bug spray is an essential for the area)

My group decided to relocate and switch to another hotel on Saturday. Previously we had stayed in a large room filled with bunk-beds and a single bathroom to share. The idea of a hotel closer to the beach with rooms having at the max 5 beds was much more appealing.

(Spider monkeys were all around the hotel, which clearly made it worth switching.)

Body surfing turned into body crashing, with the waves proving to be more powerful than meets the eye.

(A father with his son, spending time together at the ocean.)

The group ate on the beach, traveled to nearby areas, and ended up back at the hotel to play a card game called presidents. i now can successfully play and teach others 3 card games (go fish, bullcrap, and presidents) Haha

We decided it was appropriate to go out dancing and we did just so. With barely anyone there at the time of our arrival, our fun was still not stopped. It was really interesting to hear at least the majority of the music be latino based, compared to the typically booty shaking music at the clubs in the good ol’ United States. The club did manage to slip in techno infused lady gaga songs, but most were location appropriate.

Considering it was the 4th of July on Sunday, i obviously celebrated by attending a cookout filled with hotdogs and hamburgers and watching the fireworks at night…

Not at all. As I would hope you would understand, such a holiday is not a big deal in Costa Rica, at all. I did, however, spend a portion of the day flying through a rain forest.

(A new friend enjoying the view of the forest.)

ZIP LINING was beyond amazing and the view while sailing over and in the forest is breathtaking.

Pura Vida for sure.

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