Tuesday, May 18, 2010

The Countdown Begins

I leave in almost a month! This I cannot quite comprehend but it is indeed true. I am not sure if I will ever be totally prepared but I am definitely excited for the adventure that lies ahead of me.

Thanks to everyone that has helped make this trip possible so far. Many of my friends and family have reached out a helping hand to offer donations and words of advice.  It has all meant so much to me and without all of the support, this trip would not be happening.

BUT IT IS HAPPENING and I cannot wait to leave the country for the first time! I will certainly blog more often now that the departure date is coming closer.  On June 27th I will be up, up, and away!

Please keep me in your thoughts and never doubt that you are capable of doing such a trip! You can make just as much of a difference in the world as I can. All you have to do is seek the adventure and rest will follow!

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